By Abdu Labaran Malumfashi.
Many Islamic and traditional rulers will be in the Federal Capital, Abuja, engaged with the matter of self-survival, otherwise called, ‘Quranic Festival’, which is ostensibly going to be held for ‘peace to prevail in Nigeria’. Ameen. it has since changed to Quranic convention.
Since many of the Islamic clerics and traditional leaders have so far displayed anything but piety in their conduct, preferring the worldly materials they will get by taking part in the 60,000-man-Abuja- ‘Quranic Festival’, it behooves on some lay people, like yours sincerely, to handle such a very important and mighty topic, even if pedestrianly. Most of the religious clerics appear to be more concerned with their comfort than the welfare of their multitude of followers.
Allah is real, Islam is light, and science is both light and darkness, depending on how it is used.
But before I go any further with this mighty topic, readers need to know that this is not an informed article backed by sound research on the Islamic religion. It is a mere rumination of yours sincerely. It is therefore settled, and anyone who considers it as a researched write up, is actually on his own.
Allah (One God) has, in many places, said that the Holy Quran contains nothing but His direct words, and challenges the disbelievers to bring the like of it, if it was written by a human being. God’s challenge has been around for about 1,440 years, but nobody has come up with anything near it.
The only thing the deliberate doubters have been trying to do ever since, is to CORRUPT the Holy Quran in order to mislead the true believers (in Islam). Even that one they (Zionists) have not been able to do, because God has also promised to protect the Holy Quran. That He has been doing through the instrument of the hundreds of thousands of the faithful who have memorised it and can read it off the cuff.
In fact, God has blessed some Muslims with photographic memory to the extent that they can be able to not only recite, but write, the whole Holy Quran, off head, without looking at an already written text. That is God, not only protecting, but showing the many miracles of the Holy Quran.
Allah (God) needs no introduction. Allah is the Creator of the universe and all that exists. Allah is the only true God. Allah has the power over everything, and He can do anything. Allah is not a trinity of three persons. Allah Has no son. Allah Does not need anyone, but everyone needs Him. Allah Knows, Hears and Sees everything. Allah is the Lord of lords and King of kings. Allah is the God of Jesus, Moses, Abraham and Muhammadu (SAW), and Allah is the Master of the Day of Judgment.
Islam too needs no introduction. It is the religion chosen by God for ALL His Prophets, not the FAKE ones that abound in the world today. They are into their SCAMS, with most of them preaching PROSPERITY and MIRACLE HEALING, for the acquisition of worldly material things, for which they sold their SOULS to the DEVIL, as do many of the present Nigeria’s religious, political and traditional rulers.
Science on the other hand, needs introduction, even for the uninformed, like ME, who are bereft of any, and the, brilliance, sharpness or the ability to be anywhere near the many geniuses Muslim scientists of old like the Al Jabir, Al Sinai, and the later ones like the Newtons, the Teslers, the Einsteins, the Neils, the Bohrs or the Hawkings, to mention but a few of the ancient and modern scientists.
Therefore, the phrase, ‘Science is both light and darkness’ cannot be anything but the truth. Science is light if it leads to the discovery of the existence of God, but total darkness if it reaches the conclusion that everything is the creation of the phantom ‘nature’.
Over the years, Western scientists have clashed over the existence of God with some believing in it positively, like Professor Bohr who once advised his friend, the famous Albert Einstein, to “stop playing God”, when he was preoccupied with formulating his advanced theory of relativity.
But others like Edwin Hawking, who formulated the theory of ‘Hawking Radiation’ believed NOT in the existence of God. He, in particular, believed that death is the end and final of “everything everywhere”. Despite many of the intellectual findings of some scientists, they died not believing in Him but erroneously believed in ‘nature’.
A present day scientist, who believes in the existence of God, says that it is IMPOSSIBLE that life started randomly without a superior power behind the process, against the argument that life just came to be, randomly.
A contemporary scientist, Dr. Maurice, a French scientist, went to Egypt to study the cause of the death of the Pharaoh Ramsey 11, and his studies confirmed what God had stated in the Holy Quran about the death of the Egyptian king more than 2000 years earlier than the revelation of the Muslims’ Holy book. The scientist thereafter converted to Islam, believing in the Devine authorship of the Holy Quran.
There are just too many current and immediate late scientists who converted to Islam because of the realisation that One True God is real, but not in the imagination of the religiously minded, who have conversion to Islam as their main mission.
Many proofs of science and scientific discoveries were stated by God in the Holy Muslims scripture centuries before some of them were discovered these years by modern science . To therefore, attribute the scientific discoveries exclusively to Western civilisation is a fallacy, which even notable Westerners disagree. The likes of King Charles ll of England argued that it is not possible to deny credit of some scientific discoveries to Muslims, as many sciences bear Arabic names, such as ‘Algebra’, which is named after its founder ‘Al Jabir’.
Not long ago, some astronauts claimed to have seen a distant city somewhere in the skies, which they believed was paradise. They claimed that if there were clouds in the sky in the heavenly city, the result was a rain of DIAMONDS, not water or ice, in some earthly places, as happened on the earth. And Allah, NOT the unlettered Prophet Muhammadu, has mentioned the existence of Paradise in the next word, in many places in the Holy Quran.
To be doubly sure, the Messenger of Allah, Muhammadu (SAW) could not author the Holy Quran and only made mention of his own name a few times, but many times the name of other Messengers of God. A Western Christian Historian, named the three most influential figures in history, and named Prophet Muhammad as the number one, followed by the Scientist, Isaac Newton, and then Jesus (Isah AS) at number three.
To cap it all, was the night journey of the Messenger of Allah to Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, and to the Holy Throne, where he met with his Creator, who made two seas meet, but never so their waters.
Meanwhile, the human mind does not need science to tell it that some unseen beings, are responsible for some inexplicable actions. Such actions always end up attracting profanities or the unuttered four-letter word (French). But start all actions with the invocation of the name of Allah (Bismillah Rahmani Rahim), and notice the result by yourself. It will be a resounding success, by the Grace of Allah.
The still burning fire in Los Angeles in the state of California in the United States (US) is clearly a manifestation of the existence of one God, who is not to be subjected to human follies, as was apostates’ insults by the hostess of the Golden Globe Award, Morio Lopez.
The humbled and totally remorseful hostess, tearfully apologised for her gaffe, at taking a direct crack at God, who according to her has “Zero mention”, in the city she called, “Godless”. It is not the assertion of this writer, what transpired at the annual Golden Globe Awards is all over the internet trending for the interested to watch.
Whatever the depth of our religious knowledge, or the depth of our pockets, all of us are one day going to be history. For we will all die and meet the One true God and explain to Him how we lived in the present temporary world. But it appears that some people do not believe that.
May God make it easy for us to answer Him successfully whichever question may be asked of us.
Malumfashi wrote from Katsina.