Leaders are fallible human beings, just like the rest of us, and are susceptible to making mistakes. It is important to remember that they are not celestial beings or flawless angels; they are simply individuals selected from among us. Therefore, it is unrealistic to expect them to be perfect in every decision they make.
When leaders do make errors or misjudgments, it is counterproductive to respond with insults or derogatory remarks. Instead, it is more constructive to offer advice and criticism of their policies in a polite and constructive manner. By doing so, we create an environment that fosters open dialogue and encourages them to consider different perspectives.
Additionally, it is advisable to pray for guidance and wisdom for our leaders. Recognizing that leadership is a challenging task, we can seek divine intervention to help guide them towards making wiser decisions that benefit society as a whole.
Raining abusive words upon a leader is not only uncivilized but also disrespectful. It reflects poorly on one’s own upbringing and values. Engaging in civil discourse and expressing our opinions with respect not only maintains the dignity of the conversation but also allows for a more productive exchange of ideas.
In summary, leaders are human and prone to mistakes. Rather than resorting to insults, let us critique their policies constructively, offer advice, and pray for their guidance. Such behavior demonstrates civility, respect, and reflects positively on our own character.
Alh Asuku S. Audu writes from Kaduna